Agilex™ 7 Software-Entwicklung – Guided Journey

Diese interaktive Agilex™ 7 Software-Entwicklungsreise bietet eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung für die Entwicklung von Software für Embedded-Designs für Arm-based Host Processor System (HPS), Soft-Nios®-V-Prozessor oder Host-Attach-Systeme, die® über FPGA Schnittstellen wie PCIe oder CXL verbunden sind. Am Ende dieser Reise sollten Sie in der Lage sein, eine vollständige Softwarelösung zu implementieren, zu debuggen und bereitzustellen. Wählen Sie unten den Software-Design-Prozess aus und wählen Sie in der linken Navigation den gewünschten Software-Design-Schritt, um die verfügbaren Ressourcen zu finden.

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Before you Begin Learn About HPS Design Review Key Documents Define Software Architecture Define Embedded IP and Interfaces Define Booting and Configuration Select OS and Software Tools Define Remote Update, Debug, and Software Security Get Started with HPS Exercise Golden System Reference Designs Get Software Tools Configure Device and Boot HPS Port Operating System and Develop Device Drivers Port the Operating System Develop Drivers for Custom IP and Peripheral Devices Perform Software Development Develop the Software Application Implement Embedded Software Security Implement Remote Update and Debug Implement Remote System Update Implement Remote FPGA Debug
Before you Begin Review Key Documents Take Online Training Install and Evaluate Select a Processor Variant Get Development Tools and Licenses Evaluate Example Designs Select Software Stack Ingredients Select Operating System and Boot Loader Include Drivers and Middleware Develop Processor System on Altera® FPGA Develop Processor System on Altera® FPGA Develop Software Application Develop Software Application Debug and Verify Simulate Processor System Debug Processor System
Discover and Select Host Software Offerings Review Key Documents Take Training Courses Select Hardware Ingredients Select Software Ingredients Evaluate Get Started Perform Evaluation Develop Stack Set Up Development Environment Develop Drivers Develop Software Application Virtualize Software Stack Next Steps Begin Developing your FPGA Application Begin Developing your PCIe and CXL Interfaces

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