Public Policy How Intel promotes innovation worldwide
Intel Public Policy: Media and Content
Intel advocates media and content policies that help to enable new digital markets while respecting both intellectual property (IP) rights and consumer interests. Such policies include support for design freedom and technical innovation, as well as content flexibility, portability, and choice for consumers.
The convergence of
computing, communications, and entertainment platforms has created both opportunities and challenges for content creators, service providers, device makers, and consumers—especially with respect to digital entertainment content that can be easily copied and shared over the Internet. Respecting IP, rights holders, and consumers at the same time requires balancing complex and competing interests to enable new digital business models and products.
While a healthy copyright law will balance the interests of rights holders, device makers, and consumers, Intel believes that content protection should be left to market forces. Through private initiatives, we believe that reasonable content protection requirements that enable low-cost implementations, design freedom, and commercial viability can be negotiated. Governments worldwide should encourage content policies that stimulate technical innovation, ensure design freedom, and allow horizontal technologies to flourish.
Read the full Policy on Media and Content.